Major Resolutions of The Board of Directors’ Meeting

during 2023

TermSessionDateMajor resolutions

( 1 ) Report on the results of the Company’s 2022 performance evaluation of the

        Remuneration Committee (proposed by the Remuneration Committee).

( 2 ) Report on the results of the Company’s 2022 performance evaluation of the

        Audit Committee (proposed by the Remuneration Committee).

( 3 ) Report on the results of the Company’s 2022 performance evaluation of the

        Board of Directors (proposed by the Remuneration Committee).

( 4 ) Motion for distribution of year-end bonuses to managers in 2022 (proposal

        by the Remuneration Committee).

( 5 ) Motion for the remuneration of the Company’s Director, Mr. Tai, Hwa-Ming,

        the special assistance to the chairman (proposed by the Remuneration



( 1 ) Report on the Company’s 2022 stakeholder issues of concern and the

        Company’s handling of them.

( 2 ) Report on liability insurance of the Company’s directors and key personnel

        for 2023.

( 3 ) Motion for 2022 Business Report and Financial Statements. (proposed by the

        Audit Committee).

( 4 ) Motion for the 2022 loss allocation (proposed by the Audit Committee).

( 5 ) Motion for allocation of cash dividends from capital surplus.

( 6 ) Motion for the audit and statement of the effectiveness of the 2022 internal

        control system (proposed by the Audit Committee).

( 7 ) Motion for the 2023 evaluation of the independence, suitability and

        remuneration to the appointed CPAs (proposed by the Audit Committee).

( 8 ) Motion for renewal of short-term bank facilities.

( 9 ) Motion of election of the Company’s 19th Board (including independent


(10) Motion for establishing the acceptance of nominations from the

        shareholders for the 19th term of the Company’s independent directors.

(11) Motion for lifting the restriction on the competition of the elected directors

        (including independent directors) of the 19th term of the Company’s

        independent directors.

(12) The Company’s general shareholders’ meeting held in 2023.


( 1 ) Motion for review of the nomination of candidates for the 19th Board of

        Directors (including Independent Directors) by the Company’s shareholders

        holding more than 1% of the Company’s shares.

( 2 ) Motion for the Company’s new appointment of Special Assistant (equivalent

        to assistant vice president) to Ms. Chien, Chen-Yao in the President’s Office of

        the Group (proposed by the Remuneration Committee).


( 1 ) Motion for the Company’s consolidated financial statements for the first

        quarter of 2023 (Proposed by the Audit Committee).



( 1 ) Motion for election of the Company’s 19th-term chairman.

( 2 ) Report on the motion for land expropriation of KNH (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

( 3 ) Motion for appointment of the Company’s 5th Remuneration Committee


( 4 ) Motion for retirement of Mr. Tai, Jung-Chi, former Chairman of the Company

        (proposed by the Remuneration Committee).

( 5 ) Motion for the Company to hire Mr. Tai, Jung-Chi as the “Honorary Chairman”

        (proposed by the Remuneration Committee).

( 6 ) Motion for remuneration to the new Chairman of the Company (proposed by

        the Remuneration Committee).



( 1 ) Motion for expropriation of state-owned land for non-residential buildings by

        the Company’s subsidiary, KNH (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Shanghai Company)

        (proposed by the Audit Committee.

( 2 ) Motion for change of the Company’s branch managers.

( 3 ) Motion for abolition of the Company’s branch.


( 1 ) Motion for the renewal of endorsements/guarantees of KNH (Yangzhou) Co.,

        Ltd. (proposed by the Audit Committee).

( 2 ) Motion for the amendment to part of the provisions of the Company’s

        “Regulations Governing Management of Employee Performance” (proposed

        by the Remuneration Committee).

( 3 ) Motion for the amendment to part of the provisions of the Company’s

        “Regulations Governing Year-End Bonus Payment” (proposed by the

        Remuneration Committee).


( 1 ) Motion for salary adjustment of Manager Tai, Hwa-Ming (Proposal by the

        Remuneration Committee).

( 2 ) Motion for the Company’s application for the industrial zone for the land at

        Kouliao Section (proposed by the Audit Committee).

( 3 ) Establishment of subsidiary (Proposal by Audit Committee).

( 4 ) The Company’s disposal of land at Kouliao Section (proposal by the Audit



( 1 ) Motion for establishing the Company’s audit execution plan for 2024.

( 2 ) Motion for amendments to the Company’s “Ethical Corporate Management

        Best Practice Principle”.

( 3 ) Motion for amendments to the Company’s “Principle for Ethical Corporate

        Management Best Practice and Guidelines for Codes of Ethical Conduct”.

( 4 ) Motion for change of endorsements/guarantees of KNH (Yangzhou) Co., Ltd.

        (proposed by the Audit Committee).


( 1 ) Report on the ethical corporate management status for 2023.

( 2 ) Report on the implementation of the intellectual property management plan

        for 2023.

( 3 ) Motion for the 2024 budgets of the Company and its subsidiaries (Proposed

        by the Audit Committee).

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