Q & A
Q: | Which stock exchanges are KNH traded on? What is the KNH stock code? |
A: | KNH shares were listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TSE) on November 4, 1994, under KNH code "9919". |
Q: | What is KNH's fiscal year? |
A: | Our fiscal year end is December 31. |
Q: | How do I get the KNH's annual reports? |
A: | The annual reports are available from our web site at Shareholders' Meeting Information or you could also find them at “the TSE market Observation Post System” , information on Electronic Books - Shareholders' meetings. (Company Code:9919) |
Q: | How do I get the KNH's historical financial reports? |
A: | The KNH's historical financial reports are available from our web site at Financial Statements, or you may also find them in “the TSE market Observation Post System”. |
Q: | How often does KNH hold the Investor Conference? How do I get the information? |
A: | KNH does not regularly hold the Investor Conference. But if the Company holds the conference or attends the presentation at Financial Institution Conference, the information relating to those conferences is available from our web site at Institutional Investors Conference. |
Q: | What is KNH's dividend policy? |
A: | KNH prefers to pay cash dividend, but stock dividend should be set in the range from 0% to 50% of the retained earnings in any given fiscal year. If there are earnings for distribution at the end of each fiscal year, after offsetting any loss of prior year(s) and paying all taxes and dues, 10% of the remaining net earnings shall be set aside as legal reserve, then would be appropriated as special reserve. We will not reserve the legal reserve when that is equal to the receipted capital of company. The remaining net earnings can be distributed together with prior accumulated unappropriated retained earnings. The Board of Directors will consider the factors that were mentioned above and retain appropriate operating amount to make the dividend distribution proposal. Therefore, the dividends could be distributed in accordance with the resolution that is approved by the Board of Directors and the Annual Shareholders' Meeting. |
Q: | When would KNH hold 2022 Annual Shareholder Meeting? |
A: | KNH held its 2022 Annual Shareholder Meeting on June 16, 2022, at the 1F, Kou Liao Plant, No.66-1 Sanji, Jiangjun Dist., Tainan City 72548, Taiwan (R.O.C.) |
Q: | Could the investors exercise their voting rights in writing, or by electronic transmission? |
A: | The investors exercise their voting rights in writing or by electronic transmission since Year 2018. |
Q: | When were the ex-dividend date, the record date, and the payment date for dividend payment? |
A: | The proposal for distribution of profits adopted at the Meeting of the Board of Directors, and you may find the information relating to the ex-dividend date, the record date, and the payment date for dividend payment from our web site at Dividend History . |
Q: | Will fractional common shares or fractional connection with the stock dividend? Will cash payments? |
A: | In connection with the stock dividend to be distributed to common shareholders, no fractional common shares will be issued, either. However, holders of KNH common shares listed and traded on the Taiwan Stock Exchange may arrange for pooling together their fractional share entitlements to form one share and register such pooling in connection with the stock dividend. For the fractional shares which cannot be pooled, the distribution will be made in cash in dollar amount calculated at par value. |
Q: | Who is KNH common stock's transfer agent? |
A: | If you have any question, you can contact the Dept. of Stock Transfer Agency, KGI Securities Co., Ltd. by telephone from Monday to Friday. Tel:+886-2-23148800 |